16 Awful Mistakes That Every Amateur Bloggers Make

The Word “Blogging” maybe a short one, but as a blogger, you need to play your cards wisely to ensure your blog’s proper success. It is essential that as an amateur blogger, you do adequate research before starting your new blog. When I started my own blog before five years, I myself made many mistakes, and I learned from my mistakes. So, today I’m here to share with the 16 Awful mistakes amateur bloggers make. Blogging can be quite complicated and hence read this carefully to understand the most common 20 mistakes that an amateur blogger makes. I repeat if you wish to turn yourself into a successful blogger, read this article carefully, and make sure not to make these mistakes.


16 mistakes that amateur bloggers make

Down below, I will be discussing 16 of the most common mistakes that an amateur blogger generally makes. I won’t be only sharing with you about the 16 awful mistakes amateur bloggers make, but also, I will have sharing quick steps that you can do to avoid yourself from making those mistakes. So, do not move and keep reading the whole article to learn about the errors and the solution to those problems.


  1. Not Getting the expected amount of crowd.


It is the most common awful mistake that an amateur blogger makes. I can often see that the blogger understands the topic well about which he is talking about, but he/she often fails to connect to their audiences properly and hence fail to understand the reader exactly wants. The bloggers usually put way too much unnecessary information and sometimes even wrong information regarding the topic. For this reason, you will lose your potential readers and get a bad rating.

As an amateur blogger, it can be quite frustrating not to get your expected audience. Well, it is because you are not creating content that is useful to the readers,


Solution: The solution to this problem isn’t that difficult. As a blogger, you need to do proper research about the topic you are discussing in your blog. Include the appropriate information and make sure that you include every detail that your potential readers are trying to get from your blog.


  1. Inclusion of a mixture of topics


You don’t want to be Master of all trades, jack of nothing,that means you should not include too many different topics on your blog. Amateur bloggers make the mistake of covering too many topics in a single blog in order to attract a more range of audiences. But this is a huge mistake since doing this will tarnish the primary purpose of your blog, and you will eventually lose viewers instead of gaining it.


Solution: It is not important to just focus on one niche, but it is advisable that you should only write about one or two niches in your blog and become expert in these fields only instead of trying to become expert in all types of niches.



  1. Not choosing a perfect and robust niche.


Most bloggers perform a huge mistake of not choosing a perfect niche. Not choosing a strong niche will just bring losses to an amateur blogger instead of profit. Some niches bring more profit than others, and you need to do your research correctly to choose the right niche. If you are an automotive enthusiast, don’t go for writing a lifestyle blog. Make sure to go for a niche where you are an expert and passionate about it.


Solution: It is not always beneficial to only choose a profitable niche, choose a profitable niche, and you are passionate about to write about. Look for niches which will bring more audience, and you can provide them with all the information they are searching for.


  1. Quality is more important than quantity.


A great deal of bloggers center around amount versus quality, and this is the most significant error. This hypothesis expresses that you have to blog a couple of times each week to make your blog consistently appear to be new. A quality filled writing will always gain more audience.


Solution: The solution is simple and lies in the mistake. Dont upload too many contents together and focus on uploading less content, but make sure that the contents you are uploading are of the highest research.


  1. Not Consistent and less commitment to work


Most amateur bloggers make an awful mistake of not being consistent. They often upload content whenever they feel like it. Doing this will make your blog fall down in google page rankings. Famous Blogs always make a routine of uploading content for two months at least in advance. That means they are prepared to upload content for at least two months without any breaks.

There are so many expert bloggers out there who are writing about the same niche, then why will people read your blogs. Amateur bloggers often start to blog and then lost track due to less commitment towards their work. You need to be passionate about your blogs; you cannot just move out in the middle. It takes time to reach success, and you have to keep trying with full efforts.




Solution: if you wish to turn your blog into a successful blog, you should always prepare your publishing routine for at least one month ahead, but do not just upload content whenever you want to. The solution to this problem is a simple motto “try and try until you succeed.” You have to keep trying with full passion and commitment towards your blog regardless of the fact that you are getting more or less profit. You



  1. Choosing an understated headline


Amateur bloggers do not often focus on the headlines, and with a bad headline, you will lose the audience. A reader will always read your headline first and then read the rest of the content.


Solution: Always try to make your headline attractive; your headline should be in such a way that it always attracts readers in the first glance and encourage the reader to read the full content.


  1. Writing for yourself instead of the audience


As a blogger, always try to write for your audience, not for yourself. If you cannot engage your audience, they will simply ignore your blog. It might seem rude, but your readers don’t care about you unless you are a celebrity, do not start to think of yourself as someone important and begin to write about yourself. You are very less likely to gain any readers if you start to write about yourself.



Solution: prepare your content so that it is intended for your audiences and reaches their minds. Always focus on writing entertaining and useful topics, focus only on the topics and not on yourself.




  1. Not enough networking


For an amateur blogger, it is common to think that you yourself can cover the whole story and do not need your help. This is wrong; it is not possible for an individual to know everything, and you will need help from your fellow bloggers to complete some of your writings.


Solution: Do enough networking and connect with your fellow bloggers and be a part of the strong community, so everyone in the community can reach out to others for any type of help.


  1. Not enough marketing


Proper marketing is needed to make your blog reach out to people. Amateur bloggers often do not focus on marketing and, as a result, will not reach the readers.


Solution: Focus on marketing statistics, use different adverting mediums to boost your blogs, and even take the help of social media accounts to boost your blogs to reach all the readers.


  1. Not replying to blog comments.


A blogger who replies to their readers’ comments is always more prevalent among people than the one who does not reply. Amateur bloggers often make this mistake of not correctly responding to comments of audiences.


Solution: Take your time and try to reply to the comments of your readers. Always try to clear all the queries of your reader’s comments properly.


  1. Not proper writing styles


If your writings are full of mistakes and not written with proper sentence structure, then your readers will not enjoy your writings, and you will lose audiences.


Solution: Make sure to proofread all your writings and also read the readability score. Give enough efforts to investigate the ideas, realities, and thoughts in your posts.


  1. Way too much information


Do not just overload your readers with an excessive amount of information. In order to take your blog to the top, always try to create unique content and make the contents enthralling to the readers.


Solution: Ensure each post has a great deal of significant worth and doesn’t simply add to the messiness that is as of now out there.


  1. Promotion of your products only.


A good blogger always does not promote his own products and services. A common mistake than an amateur blogger does is that they only focus on self-promotions, and by doing this, you will lose the trust of your readers.


Solution: Try to provide solutions through different mediums also as expected by your readers, and in doing so, you will gain their trust, and they will admire you as a caring blogger.


  1. Not giving enough focus on Keywords.


Many bloggers pick extremely sharp or appealing titles; however, they don’t consider keywords. Keywords can have a significant effect on the web indexes – particularly as long as possible.



Solution: Picking a keywords rich title and inclusion of keywords in between articles can have the effect between your post living on and blurring into nothingness. So always try to pick SEO friendly keywords.



  1. Not sharing expertise or enough collaboration


Often, I can see that amateur bloggers try to wander off on their own, and in the long term, this doesn’t prove to be very useful. So, always try to share your expert knowledge with other bloggers in the same field, and in return, you can expect them to do the same with you in a different field.

If you do not do a proper collaboration with other bloggers, your blog’s likelihood of success is very less. Hence you will want to connect with your fellow bloggers. You can share their post on your blogs, and they can do vice versa. As a result, both of you can gain a substantial amount of traffic.



Solution: In this world of internet, it isn’t tough to connect with other bloggers, you can just simply get connected with them through social media like Facebook and create groups to stay connected. Try commenting on bigger blogs with the same niche and learn from them the things you are lacking. Along with that, you can arrange interviews with senior bloggers, which will help you with your blogs.


  1. Not doing enough research.


If you believe yourself to be a complete expert in the field you are blogging, then your success of becoming a renowned blogger is long gone. Amateur bloggers, most of the time, become overconfident that they know everything and start to write blogs without proper research. As a result, you will eventually lose the quality of their content.


Solution: Become a journalist when you are writing about something and dig out all the information you can get regarding the topic. If needed, reach to other expert bloggers in the same arena and take their help.




Final Words


For all the beginner bloggers reading this article, I want to assure you guys that I myself was in the same position that you are in now, and I learned from my mistakes and took myself to the top within five years. So, to help all of you out there, I have written about the 16 awful mistakes that amateur bloggers make. This write up was written to ensure that you guys do not make these mistakes and use the solutions to turn yourself into successful bloggers. Use this guide to understand about blogging mistakes carefully and turn your blog into a successful blog.

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